My Daddy's Common Sense

Is common sense no more?


I served my time trying to “serve n protect” the country in anyway possible! I took an oath which stated that in principal and in words that I took for real. I was discharged “HONORABLY”; but, that oath did not end with my discharge. And, let me add, every VET I know feels the same way. We took the oath seriously and it is forever. Talk if you will, “TIL DEATH DO US PART”! THAT IS HOW SERIOUSLY WE BELIEVE IN THE OATH WE TOOK! Do what or act how you wish; but, you will never get a Veteran to turn on his or her country! We are “true blue, died in the wool” patriots and wish everyone believed as strongly as we do!

Let this be a warning to all you idiots out there thinking of shouting, “Death to America” or burning the flag in the presence of a veteran, “DON’T”! It will only cause you a problem you neither want nor need. A foolish mistake at best! If you happen to make that mistake around me, I will BBQ your ass on the fire right there. I will not have to butcher you as first I will “kick the shit out of you”! You will be “squeaky clean inside after I get finished.— But just to show I have good taste, I would use “UNCLE BOZY’S BBQ Seasoning, specially handcrafted in New Guinea. You can find it in any “Liberal BBQ joint.— If you haven’t noticed, this really lights my fuse. I just do not understand how anyone can live in America and not see that she is the greatest country on GOD’s green earth. I guess all you women out supporting Hamas do not realize that if they were to take over, you would become, at best, 2nd class citizens all at once. You would become slaves to their system. And, this would be the end to LGBTQ rights as they would simply chop off your heads.

It is not my intent to try to influence how you think; but, simply do yourself a favor and do not try this crap around or in front of me. On this issue, this old VET, is like a keg of dynamite with a short fuse. You will not be able to outrun the explosion. It does not simply make me mad; but, it hurts me way down in my soul! If you were to cut me, I would bleed RED, WHITE N BLUE! If you haven’t gotten the message, the “STARS n STRIPES” really have meaning to me.

To me, it only makes “COMMON SENSE” as America is truly, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. It just makes me mad as “an old wet hen” to see anyone disgrace her or her flag! If you do not feel it, then I’m probably wasting my breath trying to explain it to you so simply heed the warning. Please, even if you do not feel the same, respect the time we VET’s have spent, the blood spent, and lives lost just so you can peacefully think as you do.



The time has come to stop playing “pity pat” with Iran and to put an end to their nonsense! We, as America, have been too easy on Iran over the years. We have given them money and allowed them to continue their desire to develop a nuclear system which is the wrong thing to do. Today’s attack on Israel is more proof that Iran should never be allowed to have such power.

America has been involved with Iran even back during the Carter administration when they held American hostages. That was wrong; but, we did not slap them down then and it has led us to where we are today. Obama/Biden transferred millions to the Iranians during their time in office which they use to stir up proxies in the region. Even today, we fund them with dollars, and they manufacture drones, send them to Russia to use against Ukraine. And, we send funds to Ukraine to fight against Russia. Do I need to paint a more clear picture for you to grasp the point I’m trying to make? If so, here it is! We are funding both sides of the Russia invasion of Ukraine. Now how smart are we????? This needs to stop now!

The time has come to wipe the Iranians from ever being any power in the world. We had to do this once before and it will have to be done again. We had to put Japan in its place and the same will have to be done with Iran and all their proxies if we truly want peace in that region of the world. This problem has arisen in just the last 3/4 years because the sanctions were lifted, and the Iranians have been allowed to produce and sell oil to China and the market. They are using those funds to supply their proxies with arms to use against our allies, such as Israel. The time has come to deal with the Iranian problem once and for all. If you remember back to the school days of past, the best way to deal with a “bully” was to hit them fast and hard so that they will never come back at you again. Maybe we should try that approach with these rogue nations to get results!

We, as a country, need to restart the sanctions to stop a lot of the problem or we need to take stronger steps militarily to stop Iran in its tracks. After all, it only makes “COMMON SENSE” to do so! What say you? You need to let your voice be heard!

Are you a RePUBLICican or a DEMONcrat???

Have you ever noticed that the title Republican has the word “PUBLIC” as part of the spelling? Maybe, just maybe, it is because the issues the party supports are for the betterment of the “PUBLIC”? If you stop to consider what a lot of their polices stand for, it seems they are trying for the betterment of the public. They stand against an open border, for low inflation rate, good education, good medical care, honest and fair elections with voter ID, for allowing children to be raised within the sex that “GOD” assigned to them, and to not have “DRAG QUEEN” shows and porn in schools. What a bunch of misfits! Ha-ha! They also believe in lower taxes, but we only have a limited amount of space to discuss certain things.

In reality, under the DEMONcrats, the open border is leading to crime running wild in the streets of our cities. The inflation rate being high is causing things such as groceries to make it hard to feed our families. The education system is not teaching our children reading, writing and ‘rithmetic! Our medical care is going downhill as the “illegals” are flooding our hospitals. Honest and fair elections went by the “wayside” when the DEMONcrats introduced mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. Then there is this new thing called “TRANS”, whatever it is! And some school districts are now allowing “DRAG QUEEN” shows in our schools along with porn books on the library shelves. It is a shame how far we have allowed our society to rot! And make no mistake, we have all had a hand in the “ROT” as we have set on our better natures and allowed it to happen.

All these things mentioned above the DEMONcrats totally believe in! Their minds are twisted to the point that they no longer can think logically. You cannot have a “COMMON SENSE” discussion with a DEMONcrat on any subject as they do not understand “COMMON SENSE”! When that gene was handed out, they were hiding behind the door and missed out completely! You simply cannot speak logically to them; and, if you try, you get a blank stare! They will argue when the facts are right before them. If you think I’m wrong, let’s just take the border issue. The DEMONcrats were just as “happy as a pig under a gate” when Joe Biden changed all the policies which were in place and controlling the flow of “BIDGRANTS” across our southern border. With a stoke of a pen, he caused a crisis as “BIDGRANTS” bum-rushed the border by the hundreds of thousands. This has made the crime wave in the DEMONcrat controlled cities to get even worse; but, it is costing the American taxpayer millions of dollars to house and feed all the “BIDGRANTS”! It would be driving down wages except for the fact that the DEMONcrats are handing out debit cards to the tune of $10 thousand dollars, so the “BIDGRANTS” have no need to work. Now re-read that last part and realize that people of that party will argue that we, as Americans, have a responsibility to feed and house them all. If that does not illustrate that they have no ‘COMMON SENSE”, then look in the mirror as you are one of them. This alone proves my point so I will bid you a “goodbye and have a great day”! If you can read that and still believe I’m wrong, then there is no need to continue.


“BIDGRANT” crime is on a roll and I certainly would not want to miss giving credit where credit is due! The credit for the present crime wave in cities such as New York, Chicago, Denver and LA is, or should be, credited to just one man and his policies! And, that man is none other than Beijing Biden, himself. He single-handedly opened the border to hundreds of thousands of “Bidgrants” and they are attacking the public and stealing anything that is not nailed down! He even has a “Bidforce” who ride around on mopeds and rob people. So, that is how we decided to call them “Bidgrants” so as to give credit to the great fool himself! He was “asleep at the wheel” when he opened the border, and this is the after effect of his doing so. He is a walking disaster, and there seems to be no end until the election in November. That’s when the “Bidchit” will hopefully hit the fan for this fool, and he will lose the election in record form.

Not only is he at fault for the “Bidgrants” being here, he is also responsible for the high gas prices when you fill up your auto. Again, he, and he alone, is the one who is at fault for the millions of dollars extra the American public has been forced to pay in gas prices. I guess since we are on a roll here, we could call it the “Bidgas” prices so he gets the credit he deserves for it. If it is bad for the American public, he deserves most of the credit somewhere in the deal.

Simply look at the inflation that the “Bidgas” prices caused in everything; but, it really hit the grocery stores! Check out how much it cost to feed your family now as before “Bidgrocery” prices hit us right in the pocketbook. Everything in the grocery business has been effected. And he deserves the credit for that also. The fool never realized that the farmers use fuel to plant and gather crops, then ship it by truck to the warehouses and then by truck to the grocery stores. That thought never crossed his mind as he was too busy adding up his payoffs from Ukraine and China. I guess we can call them “Bidbribes”!

So, in effect he is responsible for all the payoffs, sorry “Bidbribes”, his family has pocketed at your expense, and it has hit all the things you use in your daily lives. So, when you go to vote this coming November, you might just want to remember who Beijing Biden is trying to serve and it damn sure is not you! So, use some good ole common sense when you place your vote. You might just vote to help out your own wallet and family!

Here is hoping he really gets what he deserves, which is 3 squares and a cot in a 10 x10! After all, he maybe to diminished to understand, but, he should be able to do the time if he did the crime!


Well, it is true! I did tell you many times that Beijing Biden wasn’t and couldn’t be running our country! If you check, I think you might find he has never had a real job! He wasn’t a great senator and simply fell into the line and was appointed as President! I know, you think I should not say appointed; but, most everything I have said has come true. So, why would you question me now? “HE CAN’T FIND HIS BEHIND WITH BOTH HANDS AT THE SAME TIME”! And, it is now documented in an official government report. It brings me no pleasure to have to point this out; but, the report from, or at least approved by, the US Attorney General so states or backs up my statement from above. It’s my words; but, might have so stated as their version is just a more polite way of saying the same thing.

Now, let me ask this question, please! If he is not mentally stable enough to stand trial, then how the hell is he stable enough to be running the country, much less, stable enough to run for re-election? Please, will someone on the democrat side try to use a little “COMMON SENSE”! HE CONFUSES EVERYTHING IN EVERY CONVERSATION. He recently confused the President, or leader of Egypt, thinking he was running Mexico. Close I guess, but only missed it by thousands of miles. Damn glad he wasn’t aiming a pistol or someone might have been shot!

The only thing which might be worse for the country is: if, he has to step down and then we would be headed by that “genius” Harris! Now, you want to have a scary thought…just try that on for size. I’ve heard of the old gal “POKE SALAD ANNIE”; but, Harris would be nicknamed “WORD SALAD ANNIE” AND NONE OF THE WORDS WOULD MAKE ANY SENSE! I wrote a song called “WOKE SALAD ANNIE” and you can take a listen at the link below, if you please. This song was written as a joke, but Harris being in charge would not be a joke as it would be a sad state of affairs. She gets lost in her own conversations!

Now, if the democrats throw Biden overboard, then who do you think might get the nod? How will the democrats and the media justify side-stepping her for another candidate. Now, you see the trap they set for themselves by putting a non-qualified person in a position. If that happens, I feel their best choice might be Kennedy. Although he is very hard to understand, he can and does have control of his thoughts and words. And he is as good as you will get in a democrat.

So, if things do not change, it seems as though it might be a rematch of Trump and Biden and to my mind no one in their right mind could want four more years of what we have just gone through. He may very well start WW III before he can be voted out of office. Although Trump has some childish ways, he did do a pretty good job while in office. So, if it comes down to a choice between the two, I’d have to vote for Trump. I would consider it the only “COMMON SENSE” way to vote. It is a long eight or so months before the election and things can change rapidly as we all know. So, try to do the country a favor and use “COMMON SENSE” in casting your vote!


Well folks, it seems we might have a rematch of Trump and “Beijing Biden” in the run for the White House! Boy, now isn’t that some choice? One doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut and the other can’t get the words to come out! One has “sold the country down the river” so to speak and the other is always tied up with “trial cases”! I think they both want to be seen or thought of as “tough guys”; while, neither of them would make a pimple on a tough guy’s ass! We have to do better than this! However, under the circumstances, I guess we have to try to figure out which one will do the best for the country! We have seen what both will, or can do, by what they did for the country when in power! Folks, it is a shame but that is all that is important!

Beijing Biden has broken so many things in this country; and, he can’t find his behind with both hands and a flash light! Biden breaks everything he touches! Like the gas deal, the inflation has gone wild, crime is running wild in the streets under democrat control, and the border is in total crisis. Think about all this before you vote. Maybe you should visit the grocery store, fill up your gas tank, watch for criminals and check your 401K before you go vote!

While all that is said, we have to look on the other side with Trump who did a pretty good job but is a complete wreck when it comes to his personal life. He is, and will be, tied up in court from all the phony cases against him brought to you by the democrats. But, if elected, that will not last long as he will simply issue pardon after pardon to free himself. But make no mistake about it, we will have to listen to this loudmouth shoot off his nonsense! He just does not have the ability to keep his mouth shut as is evidenced by some of his problems now.

If Biden does not run, then we will have Harris or Newsom as the candidate for the democrats. Boy, “is that a pair to draw too”! I really can’t think of a worse pair to have to choose from except the one between Biden and Trump. HAHA! We will all be “skinny” from Harris feeding us “word salads”; and, if it is Newsom, he has already messed up Californication to the point people are leaving by the thousands. I am glad that I’m not a democrat; as, I would not want to have to make that call!

If Trump is the nominee on the Republican side, we really do not know who he might pick for the VP sidekick. There are a lot of possible choices out there but who knows? I do not even think Trump knows at this point, so it is a “shot in the dark”! And to be truthful here, as I always try to be, I have no idea who he might pick. I have one in mind but have no insight as to, if he would pick a female or a male to serve with him. All I can say is hope he will pick the best person for the job. Too hell with identity politics! If he goes with a male, who knows? But, if he goes with a female, I might suggest someone who is levelheaded, can carry her own water, is a military veteran and has good solid respect for the American citizen. I know of but one such lady; but, I will not drop the name just yet! Go do some research of your own and try to figure it out! And I might add, she is a “pretty good looking ole hide”!

So, hang on folks, it is about to play out right before your eyes. Hope it comes out as what is best for our country. And I will assure you, it will if you folks will simply use your heads and good old “COMMON SENSE”! But, I’m always nervous, as I know there is a whole segment of the country that has none to use.


Well, like it or not that is the truth! And like it or not Israel did not attack Gaza, but Hamas did attack Israel! And like it or not, someday, all religions of the world will be at war with muslims as the koran tells them to kill all infidels! The muslims do not value life and value a woman’s life even less! And “ALL” muslims believe that way! Even those here in America that are your neighbors. Never forget what the koran tells them to do to you!

This war happening now is because Hamas decided to attack Israel, not the other way around. There had been peace until October 7th. And Hamas fighters are and did perform some of the worst war crimes in history. The Palestinians elected Hamas, so you have to believe that they support this abuse by Hamas. The Hamas soldiers, as such, burned people alive and killed babies and women in Israel. This has been an ongoing conflict in the middle east for years and will continue until the “rot” of the Palestinian people is erased. Can it be erased is the big question? Does the hatred of the Jewish people run so deep that Palestinians just can’t let it go? That I cannot answer. But, what I will say is that I do not understand that hatred and never will.

Here in America, I personally feel, we have tried for years to settle and establish our way of freedom around the world; but, it seems some places just do not want to live as we do. I guess its about time that we except that fact and stop trying to tell other cultures to change. We allow other cultures to send their young to our universities hoping they might change; but, all it has done is to infect our universities with their sickness. A lot of our university students today seem to support Hamas and their terrorism. I, for one, do not understand how anyone can support the killing of innocent babies; but, we have that in our own country. Can anyone say the word, “ABORTION”? So, although we have problems in America, we are always trying to change how other cultures live. Maybe it is time for us to realize that other cultures simply believe differently than we do. I do not want you to believe that I think I have all the answers, as I do not, but I simply want people to use more “COMMON SENSE” when making decisions in all aspects of life. I try to do so and sometimes it is hard.

All that I want is for the world to live side by side with one another and to stop with all the wars. Wars are never good for either side. And, I would like for our leaders to realize if you continue to import people with, or from, different cultures it will change the way our culture progresses. Remember, that the change we have seen thus far in our young people is because it is taught in our schools. We have teachers and professors pounding the nonsense from other cultures into their head’s day after day. Then when they become the leaders, we can’t understand how they became so sick. Yes, I said sick! And, the reason for that word is anyone who believes that Hamas is correct in the sick way they behave has to be sick also!


Well, as of today it seems the democratic party, the DNC, is siding with terrorists like Hamas over our allies like Israel! Just watch the news and you will see college students protesting against Israel protecting itself; but, chanting support for Hamas who kills the most innocent. The democrats are also supporters of “OPEN BORDERS” which is allowing a lot of illegals from the likes of Hamas to enter our country and we know nothing about them or where they might be located. This is a recipe for disaster if our government doesn’t correct course quickly and start removing these terrorists from our shores. Remember it was only 19 un-traced immigrants that caused 9/11. New York City is once again loaded with these people who hate America.

The “CRIME” crisis in America also belongs to the democrats although they try hard to run from the problem. They own crime in the streets due to their de-funding of the police and also though their election of DA’s who insist on releasing criminals back out on the streets with no bail. Now, there is a real mark of “COMMON SENSE”, or lack of, to allow someone who just proved they are criminals, have been arrested, and then the DA’s turn them right back out to repeat the crime over and over.

We, in America, are watching as our education system which has been run by liberals for years is falling apart before our eyes. The system no longer concentrates on reading, writing and arithmetic but instead spends all its time n energy on social problems which should be taught at home. They are more interested in “GENDER” than in educational studies. They would, the teachers, rather promote “Drag Queen Shows” over the reading of a good book with quality educational ideas. Leave all that to the family to teach round the kitchen table; or better yet, strive to see that the students have a chance to attend some house of worship.

Most if not all of the ideas backed by democrats today, I do not agree with in any manner. I know there has to be some good democrats out there in the world; but, I just seem to never encounter them in my life. Maybe it is me that is all wrong; but, common sense tells me its not me that has a problem. If you see it differently, I am open to advice. But let me warn you that you may be disappointed.

I do not intend to imply that I have all the answers, as I do not. But just teach our children good logical thinking more commonly called good “COMMON SENSE”. I am by no means a rocket scientist; but, I have survived fairly well with a little “common sense” applied to life’s problems. If we, as citizens of this country, can impart this one skill into our children, it will move this country into the right direction. No need for everyone to be what the song calls for, “let them grow up to be doctors n lawyers n such”! All we need is for them to be taught how to think for themselves, how to work hard toward a goal, and to be honest in those pursuits. After all it only makes “COMMON SENSE” to do so.


This is not aimed at but a small portion of the college population! They seem to be supporters of Hamas and the killing of babies in their cribs while their mothers watch before they themselves are killed. It amazes me how some can be so dumb! Yes, I said dumb! It was Hamas that made terrorist raids into Israel simply to cause death and destruction. There has been bad blood between the two for years, but Israel was allowing a large number of Palestinians to travel into Israel to work to provide for their families. How can you make such allowances and then be struct like they were? It simply seems to me that Israel was trying to live and let live. But, the terrorist group that controls Gaza decided to inflict their chant of death to Israel.

I’d like to point out that the students, or most of them, have no real knowledge of the conflict between these neighbors. Remember it is also the Hamas controlled Palestinians that chant, along with their masters, Iran, of “death to America”! The students need to check their “hole card” or birth certificate which shows they are American. Hamas will not stop to check your papers, but will kill you because you are American. And by the way, does anyone in the LBTQ group know the real thoughts that run through muslim minds in reference to gays? The muslim’s live for the day to chop off their heads! And yet the LBTQ along with the BLM and Antifa all back Hamas. I have long stated that the DNC is related to these other organization thru the raising of funds by Act Blue which is the fund-raising arm of the DNC. Check it out and you will find that during the riots of 2020 Act Blue was active in fund raising for BLM. Funny how that works.

This Israel war is going, or could, get out of hand very quickly. This Biden fellow has us somewhat involved in a proxy war in Ukraine; and now, because of his weak stance against Iran, we are getting involved in another war in the middle east. Funny, but I remember how the democrats yelled that Trump would have us in wars everywhere; but as it turns out, it is Beijing Biden leading the war parade. Folks, this could get really messy real damn fast, like over night! I hope it goes the other way and Hamas is destroyed completely and the Palestinians regain control of the Gaza and elect people who do not favor the terrorist. But with our President sending 100 million to the Palestinian people with Hamas in control, it will be Hamas benefiting from that fund. We, as America, will be funding both sides in the war between Israel and Hamas.

Now, if any of you fine people that read my blog can explain to me how this makes any “COMMON SENSE”, I will be open to listen to what you might say. But, I know if you even try to explain this you are part of the problem of the loss of “COMMON SENSE” in our higher education system. But, I promise I will listen. I feel we have turned over the education system to a bunch who have no “COMMON SENSE” so they cannot in anyway teach logical thinking.


Does anyone remember sometime back when President Trump put a ban on Muslims coming into the country? Well, it took a while; but, this attack on Israel has given an inside view to the purpose of the ban. These people are more than murderers. It seems they get pleasure from spilling blood. I know it is not all Muslims; but, tell me if you will how the hell to tell the difference between a good Muslim n a bad Muslim. As the old saying goes, “they all look alike”!

As Israel returns fire to protect themselves, they will be called murderers. When all they are doing is trying to protect their land and people. We in America have no idea what life is like when you have people that hate you living right next door. It has to be a special kind of nervous to live under such pressure. We in America, even with our problems, have no insight to the hatred that the Muslims have for the Jews! And, I guess, the hatred in reverse! But the Jews do not seem to attack and kill the innocent like such as Hamas does.

Because I have never lived with this kind of hatred for someone or had to live next door to someone that hates me so, then it is hard for me to know of any solution. I really do not know how any American can realize such a life. We have our differences, but seldom does it boil up into such hatred except maybe the riots of 2020. Although horrible, they were nothing compared to the attacks on Israel. Hamas supporters entered houses and killed innocent women and children for what seems to be no reason. I’ll bet my last dollar that Iran was behind it all as that nation is filled with so much hate.

Now, it seems that our President is too busy with trivial problems to even try to help. He was too busy having a BBQ to try to intervene when the attack started. He is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world; but, to be honest, he “can’t find his ass with both hands at the same time”! This is simply another reminder to the world that he is not up to the job. He has made such a mess both here on the homeland and also around the world.

I want to sound the alarm that we have these same Hamas fighters, or cells in this country with more flooding across the border as we speak. We also have them in our government serving as representatives in the Congress. They no longer even try to hide their support for Hamas, Iran and all the other such groups. I, for one, think it is time to vote them out of office. If, not outright, then simply remove them. The people from their districts have been fooled into thinking they support the American way of life. It is time that we, as Americans, make some hard decisions when it comes to casting our votes. After all, it only makes “COMMON SENSE” to do so.

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