My Daddy's Common Sense

Is common sense no more?


Hey, the question is: Why is there always talk of Social Security running out of money; but, you never hear about welfare running out of money, now do you ???  It really is a “COMMON SENSE” question.  Everyday or so, you hear that we have to reform the entitlement programs; and then, they bring up “social security” in the same breath.  Have you ever asked yourself, “How can “social security” be an entitlement program when working people have paid into the fund their entire working life?”  When we all started this program there were about 20 or so workers for every retired person.  Today, that has changed to about 4 workers for every retired worker.  A great difference for sure; but, we are holding the program even or losing slightly. So, when we had all the extra workers, the fund had to be growing rapidly.  Now ask yourself, “Where did all the funds go?”  They went into the general fund and were used for everything, including to fund welfare.

It just makes me “mad as hell” to hear them call the “social security program” an entitlement. And, if I could get my hands on those idiots; well, let’s just say, “it would not be pretty” and I’d go to jail. So, I wage this “war of words” instead; which, if Obama gets his way, will soon get you the same sentence.  It is a horrible thought that they have absconded with our money from Social Security to fund the dead beat part of society.  By the way, that was President Carter that did so.  It was with the backing of a Democratic Congress and has always been the Democrats, like Clinton, that have messed with the funds.  If they had kept their greedy little mitts off the fund, it would still be solvent today.  Just one more thing the Democrats have screwed up when in power and given the chance.   Remember that the next time you go to vote and vote accordingly.

I get a little off track sometimes; but, we must return to the question above.  The politicians in this country always want to “rob from the rich to give to the poor” and I for one am sick of it.  You notice I did not clarify parties here because the Republicans are guilty, also.  Not nearly to the extent as the Democrats, but guilty also.  When we had complete control of the government during the Bush years, the Republicans spent way to much money and that is why our “founding fathers” opted for a divided government.

I would love to hear a politician say, “We are running out of welfare funds”, but I won’t hold my breath.  You see they have discovered that the “senior citizens” will roll over while the poor will protest.  They are trading “freebies” for votes.  It amounts to a legal way to buy votes.  If they gave you cash, it would be illegal. But, it is okay to buy your vote with “freebies”.  No one will vote against “Santa Claus” which is what the Democratic party has become in the eyes of so many in this country that do not want to work.  They give out welfare checks, food stamps, rent subsidies, utility subsidies, free medical care, free “OBAMA phones” and free school breakfast/lunches and the list just continues to grow.  In Hawaii, they means tested the freebies and you would have to make between 60/65k to maintain the life style of the deadbeats.  How in the hell do you ever get someone off the “dole” and back working when it is a better life standard to just lie around or spend the day at the beach while on assistance?

Please remember what you have read here today the next time you have a chance to vote–“vote the bums out”–as it only makes “COMMON SENSE” to do so.

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